TES Ice Cream Social
Campus Alerts

Friendly reminder regarding parent pick up/drop off.

The map shows how traffic should flow for the elementary drop off/pick up lines. Please allow extra time during the first few weeks of school for new parents to adjust to the traffic pattern.

A message from the principal...

Welcome to Timpson Elementary School, where we serve students from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and where every student is embraced in a nurturing, family-like environment. As a small rural school, we pride ourselves on building relationships and cultivating well-rounded individuals who thrive academically, socially, and personally, while maintaining the values of the Timpson community. Our commitment extends beyond the classroom, encouraging students to explore their passions and develop into confident, curious individuals.

Despite transitioning to a four-day school week, our students have continued to demonstrate remarkable progress and achievement, with substantial growth in most areas. This change has allowed us to focus our efforts more intentionally, maximizing each day, so that our students and staff can enjoy a well balanced school and home life. Our staff and students return each Monday ready to take on the challenges of the week! We are growing and thriving and experiencing record enrollment.

At Timpson, we believe in the power of community, collaboration, and continuous growth. I am honored to lead such a wonderful school family, and I look forward to working hand in hand with each of you to make this school year a memorable and fulfilling one for our students. Let’s go BEARS!